The time has come.
I’ve eased into 2018 slowly and easily, and now I’m ready to kick it into gear.
I did a 31 Day Challenge last January-February and I loved it, so it’s time to get back to it. I’ll post weekly with updates if you want and food/recipes since fitness + food seem to be something you all want to hear more about.
I’m such a wuss because I’m like uhhmmmm how much do I want to publicly promise on this?!
The only real thing I committed to last year was 31 straight days of workouts, and it is what really got me on a consistent workout schedule that I stick to to this day.
I usually work out 5 days per week and really do loving doing it.
What I NEED to make this about is food….. but….. eh…. life’s short…..
and quite frankly, Kate Moss is wrong.
Really, really wrong.
because….. I mean…. just off the top of my head….
BUT, I do like how good I feel when I eat clean regularly…. so I’ll try to focus with that.
not on how amazing fresh Krispy Kremes are straight off the conveyor belt through the drive through window and into your mouth……
A few #GOALS for the next 31 Days :
31 Days of Workouts – When I did this January-February of last year, I was already working out regularly, but the 31 Day commitment proved how great it makes me feel physically and mentally, and that it isn’t that hard to commit to 30-60 minutes of excercise every day. I’m not going to do a bootcamp class everyday or anything, but Saturdays are generally the only day I don’t workout and it felt so much better to at least go on a long walk than to do nothing.
5 Workout Classes Per Week – I love going to classes and get 10x a better workout than when I just workout at home. I’m hoping to add in some new classes in the coming months too!
Get Back to More Plant Based Diet – We were eating mostly vegetarian for the final months of 2017, and I have never been too huge of a meat-eater at home (but do love meat) but …. I’ve been really craving meat this month. So I’ve been eating it, but I’m going to try to go back to only having the meat on weekends/meals out (which is usually only weekends) and being better with my meat choices.
Smoothies for Breakfast Every Day – I love having my Fab 4 Smoothie for breakfast. It’s like a peanut butter shake every morning. I’m aiming to have this every day for breakfast – weekends included, since I normally don’t on the weekends.
You can check out the recipe HERE. If you are new to healthier eating, don’t use the greens powder at first – it has a very strong taste – and swap it for spinach instead! Or add in some extra PB2 to mask the other flavors!
Smaller Portions for Dinner – I know dinner should be the smallest meal but that’s when I like to eat the most. I need to work on having smaller portions for dinner. I’m trying to incorporate more Fiber (F Factor Diet) to help with keeping me fuller with smaller portions. You can read more about GG Crackers for Fiber in this post (I’m making “pizzas” with them this week for dinner)
Wake up for morning workouts 2 days per week – I meannnnnnn… see below…. I need help….
Incorporate Tracy Anderson Again – This was my favorite at home workout, but I stopped enjoying the Continuity program when it was all based on using “a chair” to do the moves. It got to be too much. The moves were just insane. (aka I also couldn’t watch TV while doing it) . I’m thinking about just starting the DVD’s back over at Year 1 since I had made it to Year 2.
10,000 Steps Per Day – Ever since getting this last year I love making sure this happens! (I put it on my spin shoe for spin class because I hate when it looks like I haven’t done steps after spin!)
Foam Rolling – I hate it…. but I need to do it. It makes such a difference.
Epsom Salt Baths – Unlike foam rolling, I love these, but never make the time to do it, and it makes such a difference. So I’m hoping to have 2 per week, one Sunday and one mid week treat.
And for the goals I don’t want to make…..but need to…
sooooo not sure I really want to list them :
6:30 wake up every morning –
I have been trying to be a morning person for years…..
No Less Fried Food + Better Dining Out Options – I’m going to try to stay away from Chick-fil-A for the month and lay off my beloved french fries on the weekends. When we do sushi night, we go pretty ham on some rolls…. so maybe sizing down on some of that or ordering some without rice would be a help too.
No Less Dessert – I’ve been night-grazing lately and going for it with the Halo Top. I’d like to cut back on making it a nightly habit.
More Reading at Night – unfortunately this goes hand in hand with less Blogging at night, but can only happen if I actually go to sleep early so that I can wake up at 6:30 AM….. it’s a vicious cycle! if I don’t get up at 6:30 it all goes in the crapper!
More Podcasts while cleaning/cooking – I love podcasts! I feel like I haven’t found any new ones that I love lately and keep running out each week of episodes to listen to. I especially love any motivating/wellness/etc for morning commutes, etc to mix up my reality tv nonsense podcasts!
Any great new Podcasts to add to the list?!
:: Fitness Favorites ::
I have asked on instagram stories for sneaker recommendations but I still haven’t bit the bullet (and need to – my knees are killing me it’s time for some new sneakers!)
The most common recommendations have been :
On Clouds
Nike – apparently Nike has changed their shoes, and they are better now for running? I’ve just never been able to do anything with them they slide off my shoes.
I am likely going to stick with my Asics since I know that they work for me – but I am intrigued by the Mizuno and Brooks and On Clouds! I found a good deal on Brooks and found a good deal on Mizunos on Zappos.
I found a few Asics on Sale that I like online at Nordstrom Rack.
Old Navy is a great place to find athletic apparel for a great price. Sizing can be iffy so usually I order two sizes. Leggings I tend to be a TTS Small but tanks can run large or small, so it varies from XS-S most often.
Zella is a favorite workout option of mine too!
Check out my two posts about 2017’s 31 Day Challenge HERE and HERE.
And check out my Health + Fitness Posts HERE.
As always, e-mail or comment with any thing you want to see on the blog!
and follow along on pinterest and instagram I post a lot to stories lately with fitness + food!
Hi, reader from Raleigh here, this is my first time commenting! Can I just say as an aside that I live for Coffee Talk every week?! Two comments – have you listened to Dear Sugars? That’s my current fav podcast to put on while I cook in the evenings. Also, have you tried the Beachbody at-home workouts? I’m not into the whole coaching/selling aspect of Beachbody but I really like their workouts, particularly anything with Autumn Calabrese.
Aw thanks so much Julia!!!
I need to try out Dear Sugars – thanks so much! I have heard great things but had totally forgotten about it!
And yes, I did Beach Body at home for a little bit when we first moved to Atlanta and were living with my mom. I did really enjoy them!! I love anything easy to do at home especially!
Can’t wait to try out that podcast this week!
My new favorite podcast is Almost30 – I think I found in my rabbit hole of Kelly LeVeque research after I read about her on your blog!
Thanks Kristen! I can’t wait to listen – I love me some Kelly Leveque!!
Oh my gosh soooo many great goals that I, too, am trying to work on! It’s so hard!
(PS- I need that wine tank!!)
Emma | Seeking the South
I’ve decided that wine workout attire is more motivating…. ha!
I’d love to hear more about your foam rolling! Also, I’m totally with you on more plant based. I’m feeling the pull to go this direction too. I’d love to hear your ‘go to’ meals. I feel like the older I get, gosh, I sound 80!, the more my body craves less meat. Btw, love how you mix all things Bravo, travel, clothes and fitness. One of my fav blogs! 🙂
Ugh… it’s the worst, but so good for your muscles! Yes I will share more for sure about it! Working on compiling more of my go-to meals and things that I make for us constantly.
Thanks so much for reading and for the sweet compliment Elizabeth!
Hey Taylor! My friend just recommended the podcast Heavyweight to a few of us and we ALL love it! It might sound obscure, but the host is so charming and funny. Try either the Gregor or Rose episode to get a feel for it. And there is no context for this, but they start every episode with him randomly calling his best friend Jackie and they just banter for 30 seconds or so. Somehow it works and just cracks me up!
Thanks so much Kelly! This sounds so great – thanks for recommending certain episodes to start with, I feel like when I start with a bad one I abandon ship!
I can’t wait to try it!
Mizunos are great! But… you really need to get your foot fitted to any shoe. Near me there’s a sneaker place where they film you on a treadmill running barefoot and slow it down and look at your foot fall etc and measure your feet. My podiatrist and physio both said Nike keep them in business so I’d stay away! They do look pretty though.
Could you do a blog post on how you’re going to balance these goals with work/life? My biggest workout issue is coming home from work late, sitting on the couch and never getting up again.
Thanks for the advice!! I definitely won’t go down the Nike route unless I want a casual sneaker (which, I don’t wear…. I just wish they had some pretty Nike-esque’s that work!) I should go have someone watch me “run” – I did it once but they gave me some ugly shoes…. I guess I just need to decide health over fashion haha.
And yes I definitely will! We have a treadmill at home and my spin studio is also on the way home from work so that helps a ton! Signing up for classes in advance kind of makes you have to do it! If I don’t do it RIGHT after work it doesn’t happen….if my tush hits the couch, it wont be getting back up!
I recommend you listen to podcast ” Super Soul Conversations” with Oprah if you have not done so…..I drive up and down the CA coast visiting my daughters and listen to many more than once! Started making notes on certain quotes in my journal when I listen a second time maybe cleaning…. Many different topics but all come down to taking time to be more mindful in life…..think you will love them.
PS(Came across your blog looking at a pinterest recipe and found many things I will try under your healthy recipe treats).