I’m sorry for being away for so long!
I promise that I’ll be back this week
My mom flew in Thursday for the weekend. I saw my wedding dress for the first time since July (well… and the first one that was actually mine and not the sample!) on Friday and had my first fitting.
breakfast before fitting….
and lunch after
my sister flew in saturday to surprise me!!!
this is amazing in itself, but she came up even though she has sweet 4 month old chandler and so much on her plate!
this was also the day our wedding invitations arrived!
they are so beautiful I can’t wait to share them!
sunday was my bridal shower here in chicago and it was gorgeous.
I’ll post about it and other wedding things on wednesday!
ps. it was sunny on saturday AND sunday.
twilight zone.
pps. I had noooooo idea the song “happy” said CLAP ALONG until I was driving home last night and suddenly heard the words clearly for the first time.
ummmm…. duh.
that makes SO much more than “climb along”
ppps. can’t wait for coffee talk this week.
ppps. can’t wait for coffee talk this week.
and dammnnn RHONY is getting gerrddddd.
What a great weekend! How sweet of your sister to surprise you – that alone would have made the weekend perfect!
Waiting for Coffee Talk is like being a child on Christmas Eve! RHONY is KILLING IT!!!
Love that your sister surprised you!!
That is one seriously cute baby!!
How fun that your sister surprised you! Can't wait to see more pics from your bridal shower- I have a feeling they're going to be gorgeous!