Lifestylelink love November 8, 2014 image Apparently Eva Mendes thinks having Ryan Gosling’s baby means she can design bridesmaids dresses The words “mean girls reunion” are all you need to hear. this design darling vase has my name all over it SNL’s hilarious short explaining the love/hate relationship with Taylor Swift. {one more t. swift…. she is everywhere} The incredible 80’s workout video + Taylor Swift mash-up one of these winter days, I WILL find the time to make this crack pie Why are you aren’t crazy, and it really is always 9:41 in iPhone ads I never get sick of seeing the latest Amanda Bynes tweets, no matter how trivial 22 reasons that prove there is always hope (some of these are unbelievable!) love this idea for travel memorabilia …. I’m off to waste the day away in front of the TV eating cereal before painting the town red tonight