discuss amongst ya-selves……
hallelujah for part 3. that it’s finally over and that the hour was actually filled with stuff.
tamra’s fake crying over her concern/distaste for vicki was only slightly less disgusting than meghan’s fake crying over her horrible husbands ex-wife cancer + passing away. like, meghan, just stop. seriously. stop.
if you want to be all Harriet The Spy Psycho then go for it,
but please quit dragging the deceased mother of your step kids into every second of it with fake tears. you are looking worse than Tamra, which, is like, WOAH.
am I the only one that was like “ok brianna…..time to get off the couch….. you can go now.” liiiiiiike we heard what you brought to the table, some more evidence proving brooks is the worst, but seriously why are you still sitting there?
and worse, everything Brianna says Tamara is her echo repeating it and adding details and nodding and nodding and that fake cry disgusted voice thing.
UGHHHH both of you just go away.
part three was basically everyone attack vicki…. and yeah she deserved it.
I’m SO glad Andy said that she had taken a Xanax
because this whole time I was mind boggled that she was remaining this calm.
Vicki has lost her damn mind, and we can blame Brooks all we want, but she needs some serious help just as much as he does.
The only thing I can think of other than her being a pathological liar is what Heather said: “What does he have on you!?”
What does Brooks have in his pocket on her that she will help cover up his lies and go along with all of this cancer stuff??? I’m so confused.
Vicki, the whole “I’m a smart woman” line you looooove to use needs to be retired because you are the biggest dumbass of them all. Wait…. maybe not because there are just so many in this whole franchise, but still.
I felt like the whole time she kept combining past tense and then present tense even in the same sentence when referring to brooks cancer? I can’t tell if this was from her Pill Popping or because she is still confused about if he has or doesn’t have cancer OR if she is just getting trapped in her own web of lies and doesn’t realize she is doing it.
The more I keep typing about this damn reunion the more I change my mind. It’s like Vicki admitted things, but then I’m like, no wait did she even? She’ll say she ‘fabricated’ things and then she’ll say she didn’t know and that she thinks he has cancer. Then later on she says she thinks he lied? I don’t even remember now…. you win Vicki and Brooks.
The reunion ends and I’m like PREACH MY BOYFRIEND ANDY COHEN
I’m so glad this season is over because I can’t watch anymore.
but then………..
they show a commercial for a “Brooks tells all” next week. Dammit!!! You Bastasrds!!! They have me trapped!!! He was interviewed by the British lady on E! News this week and everything he said she was ready with proof of each sentence being a lie. IT WAS AWESOME. Like, him saying 3 completely different dates for when he was diagnosed and each time her being like “no, you said this…..”
one last comment: why, for all of these 22 episodes, do any of the women even care if he did or didn’t have cancer? why was this the only story line for real, because in the end it shouldn’t affect them at all (except for distract from their own lives and what bad things may be going on in it)
I think that was my worst recap ever….. they’ve exhausted me.
King of Queens is as frequent as Friends in this house.
it ranks as one of my top shows ever. rerun after rerun I will never get sick of it.
also something that is hard to look away from is anything involving scientology.
especially celebs and scientology stories.
SOOOO somehow I have missed her 20/20 interview, but I have read about a lot of it online and have seen clips on other news shows this week too.
I thiiiiiiink I may need to read her book.
I don’t know how I haven’t talked about any of this, but I have gotten so many e-mails, DO NOT WORRY LADIES. I watch every week.
I think I haven’t talked about it because I like them all, then I dislike them all at certain points…. I love the show, but it’s hard to discuss because the drama is still very civilized and lets face it, none of them are really funny. It’s like they bring a lot to the table in terms of a Bravo show that I like to watch, but there’s no real laughs in that show? Like, a few when Caroline does her sarcastic comments, but thats it?
I don’t know I’ll think about it and come up with some opinions ….. I know you’ll be on pins and needles awaiting next weeks post.
Editors note: I am awful writer today. Even for me.
as in not ‘sorry I’m not sorry’, but I am LEGIT sorry
the show with a cast to rival all reality programs in terms of the amount of despicable, shameful, horrible people is back. SO GET EXCITED.
not much has changed,
Max’s face is still all jacked up despite his second THIRD nose job. like, WHAT?
Scheana still thinks its all about her.
Adrianna still hasn’t figured out what the whole world knows : her boyfriend Tom is batting for the other team.
Tom continues to act like he is batting for the other team.
Kristen’s barely legal drinking age boyfriend is still saying he’s a DJ as if he plays anywhere other than Lisa’s restaurant whilst filming for the show and then he’s like “cough and I bus tables cough”
and Kristen is saying she is calm and therapy has changed her, but,
most importantLly I am still the biggest lunatic, because the second they showed Crazy Kristen talking I was like PRAISE GOD !!!!! SHE IS WEARING INVISALIGN!!! IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!
I literally screamed it out loud.
I know so many of you noticed and thought the same thing…… Bueller?
starts Friday night, and is hosted by two of my favorite people,
the chicks from People’s Couch.
I laugh my head off at this show, and usually it’s because Julie is talking.
tonight! tonight! tonight!
who watches and who do you want to win!!??
and seriously how does Heidi Klum get more and more gorgeous every year?
:: DWTS ::
um, I can’t believe what I’m about to say, but I’ll say something nice about erin andrews.
I really liked her dress and her hair and everything this week.
this picture doesn’t do her justice. and she annoyed me the least she has in weeks. I don’t know what happened to my heart of ice this week (keep reading…. its back…..)
blake shelton.
did you really need to announce on the day of the CMA’s that you and Gwen Stefani were dating.
really? really?
it just HAD to be said on one of the biggest days in country music where your ex-wife is surrounded by everyone important and she is completely in the public spotlight and jokes are being made during the show about their split?
slow clap for you, blake. you are a pig.
and you two should be ashamed of yourselves.
I know, I know….. how do I really feel?
as always, ignore my own blatant grammatical errors whilst I make fun of others poor grammar during coffee talk on a weekly basis.
#hypocrite #sorryimnotsorry
I write these posts late at night while simultaneously watching Bravo, taking snapchats of my snoring husband, and making to do lists of everything I was supposed to do and didn’t do that day and likely won’t do the next day either. or the day after that.
1. rhoc: the most mind blowing thing to me in this whole show is that brooks tricked vicki into leaving don because he told her he was dying of pancreatic cancer… that he later told brianna was pancreatitis, which is a complication from alcoholism. i mean, that right there is why vicki is sticking up for him. THAT'S EMBARRASSING.
2. leah remini special was worth it to watch – see if you can see it on your on demand because it was GOOD.
3. you've hit the nose on the head about ladies of london. enough to make me think i can delete my series subscription. BRING BACK GAME OF CROWNS.
4. i love that blake and miranda are dating. i don't think they were cheating. this whole thing makes me so so happy!
My thoughts – everyone in the whole world knows that Miranda cheated on Blake mucho times, so maybe a little getting back at her?
Ladies of London just makes me want to be rich in England.
There would literally be no drama on the OC this season without Brooks cancer.
Bring on Beverly Hills!