when things like bacteria and lack of chemicals are turning the Olympic pools green,
it’s best to distract yourself with some seriously funny Diving commentary.
this guy Ozzy and this video are hilarious.
when Bravo is airing half of the Olympics and leaving me lack of reality television material,
this will have to suffice.
but really, I told my-boyfriend-Andy-Cohen that I would be away from my beloved DVR for the last week, so I think he made a few calls and put my shows on hold until next week for me. he’s sweet like that.
I’m off to binge watch several hours of Bach in Paradise (pah-reach) and perhaps some Kardashians and whatever else I can find to get me through!
Hopefully I’ll have some Coffee Talk discussions for you tomorrow!!
p.s. can we discuss Lochte’s hair?
although after watching What Would Ryan Lochte Do it’s not surprising
and I’m sure it’s green now and not white……