I am just coming out of the post Thanksgiving hangover, although this year, the hangover isn’t from Pinot Grigio.
This year it’s the food hangover, the mini-weekend-vacation to Florida hangover, the Black Friday/Cyber Monday hangover, and the AH I need to get ready for Christmas Scaries.
First let me say THANK YOU for all of your sweet words about our news.
I obviously kept the pregnancy secret for a long time, but it was surprisingly easy! Both because I wasn’t showing for so long and also because talking about my private life is RULL easy for me to avoid by talking about Bravo and other nonsense 🙂
Your messages on instagram and e-mails mean so much to me and had me smiling ear to ear all Thanksgiving weekend. I’m so thankful for each of you that take the time to come to my little corner of the internet and follow along.
Kip and I are so excited for the twins arrival at the end of March (slash still can’t believe it!)
My due date is March 28 (they won’t let me go past 38 weeks) and I am 21 weeks this week. The bump has arrived in full force. It is getting bigger by the day now and it’s crazy to look down and really look pregnant.
I am going to do a first trimester post and a pregnancy post for the first 20 weeks, but I know nothing is more boring for non-preggo people than baby and maternity focused posts! So I promise I’ll try to keep them separate so you can pick and choose what you want to divulge in 🙂
When we found out I was pregnant we wanted to try to squeeze in as many getaways as possible. My husband had his work trip to London tentatively planned, and I was working on weaseling my way in, but when we found out it was TWINS I was like (deep man voice growl) WE ARE GOING TO LONDON.
Later we decided to take advantage of his Southwest miles + hotel points and tack in a Thanksgiving weekend trip, too. We literally just went on hotels.com and searched all over South Florida for a cheap rate somewhere nice, on either coast. We actually had a different hotel booked in Sunny Isles (between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale), and long story short, we were able to switch on hotels.com to the Marriott Harbor Beach in Ft. Lauderdale same day with no charges or hassles. The rate had dropped and we got the same price for the Marriott which was such an amazing surprise because it was a great property and we loved every minute.
Days were spent poolside. Doing a whole lot of nothing.
I made myself only pack bikinis so that I wouldn’t be tempted to wear a one piece while we were there.
I need to embrace the bump while it’s still small because oh-em-gee do NOT look at #twinpregnancy on instagram you will cry….. my stomach hurts just thinking about it……
But I’m going to bare the bump while I can! Because this bod may never see a bikini again!
Who would have thought the easiest bikini pic to ever post would be when you’re packing on the pounds?!
I swear I took this 5 days ago and my stomach is now twice the size!!
(*note to self: the past 10 years I should have walked around the house naked,
worn teeny tiny bikinis, and worshipped my bod. DAMMIT!)
shop my favorite scalloped bikini and similar cover ups here.
They had a little Juice + Smoothie place on the property
and I loved being able to grab breakfast and fresh squeezed juice there.
I read An American Marriage poolside on my Kindle, but I ended up quitting when I got halfway through.
I took a poll on instagram and about 70% of you that had read it said it wasn’t good.
I was disappointed and decided it just wasn’t worth it to finish.
Beach Bar cocktails for him and a mocktail for me in the afternoons.
My other favorite cover up is still available in black, and I linked other favorites below as well!
shop cover ups here.
and then easy dinners at night!
see other Lily looks here
This dress is sadly sold out! see it from the side with the bump here.
for those of you who ask how to hide the bump, this is a perfect example! from the side it’s a “now you see it” and from the front a “now you don’t”.
I wore these gold palm earrings every single night.
They were my only purchase for myself while we were in London and they are from Mango.
They’re super lightweight too!
We only ventured out once to eat, to Coconuts, and I HIGHLY recommend it. Casual, on the marina, and they had the most amazing coconut shrimp, mac and cheese, and coleslaw. I don’t even eat coleslaw and it was so, so good.
……. and this is TOTALLY unrelated, but I am working on a future post and came across these
loafers that are slippers and I’m in love.
It’s like the chicest slipper I’ve ever seen
(…… other than my completely bedazzled slippers of course!)
(and then can we talk about below deck this season? thanks.)
love it!!!!! congrats again. And promise us child less folks you will keep your Thursday reality posts:)
So excited for y’all!
What hotel in Sunny Isles and were you happy with your stay at the Marriott?
You are doing it right by getting your travel & bikinis in now! So happy for you and excited to follow along!