Heyyyy. Remember that trip I never finished recapping, in typical me fashion, last month?!
Well. I’m finally posting the WHOLE trip.
So today I have a full rundown of our trip with pictures. Warning, lots of pictures ahead!
You can also see previous posts with Bar + Restaurants and also Where We Stayed + My Biggest Travel Tip
And you can see pretty much all of this in a consolidated version on my Travel Highlights on Instagram.
What you DIDN’T know when I talked about where we stayed and my favorite bars and restaurants was that I was not partaking in any of the fun cocktailing. And I’m not nuts about a mocktail. Especially one that costs 10 POUNDS. So insane.
I have only missed drinking twice since getting pregnant, and the first and big one was this trip. London is just a place where a pint at the pub and a cocktail at a cozy cocktail lounge are meant to be had!
But we did hang out in bars or pubs 3 or 4 nights for several hours. So I’d get a nonalcoholic beer or a mocktail and lots of water. I love ponying up to a bar and watching a bartender at work. Especially a fun pub with locals or a gorgeous bar with insane decor where I could feel fancy.
But I probably would have had more bar + restaurant recommendations for all of you if we were living it up like we usually do on vacation.
Anyways….. enough about Things I Cannot Have.
We had THE BEST time.
When we found out I was pregnant we decided (I decided) I was definitely going to tag along on his work trip and then when we found out it was twins we decided (I decided) I WAS DEFINITELY GOING BOOK THE TICKETS IT IS HAPPENING PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. That’s pretty much how it went…….
We took off on a Friday night, landed on a Saturday morning/afternoon and stayed through the following Saturday afternoon. So we had TONS of time. We hit the ground running right after we landed and dropped our bags at The St. James Hotel.
Liberty was a favorite shopping destination around Carnaby Street!
The next day we did Brunch at The Wolseley (loved), wandered around St. James Park, stumbled across the guards heading to the Palace before changing of the guard, did the British Museum, shopping, dinner, and cocktails at the prettiest bar of the trip, Kerridge’s at the Corinthia Hotel.
The next day was Buckingham Palace for changing of the Guard, Tower Bridge, and dinner + drinks with friends. (One of my best friends older sisters lives in London and has been there for forever, so she was such a huge help with trip recommendations!)
I had to have buckets of ice every night in the room because I was so thirsty I thought I would die.
The next day after breakfast we headed to Harrod’s to spend a few hours exploring. I loved it! We grabbed lunch directly across the street at a little Italian place called Zia Teresa, but there are tons of yummy options at Harrod’s itself. Kip had work events starting that night, so I enjoyed some hotel room service in my hotel robe!
What I didn’t share on instagram since we hadn’t shared that I was pregnant was that we had been shopping for a gift for the babies while we were there. We wanted to get two little stuffed animals for them and finally settled on two bunnies at Harrod’s. They are buttery soft and we love them! It’s the first thing we bought for them so it was fun to have it be a London purchase.
What I also didn’t share was that I passed out for several hours after we got back to the hotel, my husband left for a work dinner, and I slept through all of it until I woke up starving around 8:30 nd then ordered room service.
He snapped this pic of me with the bunnies before leaving for work.
Naps and/or bubble baths were a common pre-dinner activity for me this week.
I miss sleeping on my back just looking at this……… #pregnancyproblems
The next day was a solo day for me, so I wandered, shopped in Covenant Garden,
and went to a matinee for Book of Mormon which was hilarious!
Then met up with Kip for an Asian dinner in St. James.
The next day was another solo day, so I took the afternoon to do MORE exploring, and went to Afternoon Tea at The Savoy.
The next day, our final full day, we wandered a bit (went to see Big Ben which was completely under construction, womp womp) and headed to Chelsea to explore that area some more.
We had lunch at The Ivy Chelsea Garden which was my favorite lunch of the entire trip!
Kip had work the rest of the afternoon so I walked all the way back through Hyde Park and saw Kensington Gardens. We popped into a pub for a few hours before an Italian dinner that night and had cocktails back at The American bar. The pubs were slammed for Friday night and everyone just poured out into the streets with their beers which was fun.
We had so much time which was so, so nice. It was nice to go with the flow everyday, which is so different from how it usually is if we are abroad in a city for 2-3 nights for example.
If it had been a different time of year or if Kip hadn’t had a Conference during the day (or if I hadn’t been pregnant) there are definitely at on of other things I would have loved to have added to the list!
Taking the train out to Hampton Court Palace and the gardens, or out to see Windsor, or a day trip to all of the adorable little towns like Bath, etc.
Or out to see Stonehenge!
literally cannot talk about it without this song being in my head……
but I digress…….
It was a wonderful trip and I would go back in a heartbeat! I feel like there are still so many places we didn’t get to go ……..and drinks I never got to have 🙂
I will link some of my favorite pieces that I wore from the trip
that are perfect for cold weather layering or walking 10 miles a day in a separate post!