I hope you all had a great weekend!
It was gorgeous here and luckily we got outside on both days – something that is hard for me to do during the week when I’m solo. Anytime in the sunshine poolside (even if you’re in the shade with twins not really “relaxing”) is a great day for me!
I’m so lucky that a few of my girlfriends were all pregnant and having babies at the same time as me. It makes it so much more fun and also makes it easier when they are unable to carry a real conversation either because 97 things are happening so you don’t have to feel as guilty about being a complete space cadet.
We went to meet friends at their pool and it was such a fun day.
I have learned that my strapless bathing suit tops just aren’t going to cut it with these new twin boobs. I’m constantly bending over or reaching for one and I’m not going to be able to wear my usual bandeau style for quite some time.
Luckily I found this swimsuit – in black AND white – and love it. No need for a coverup even because you can just treat it as a bodysuit!
and you know I’m a sucker for anything backless……..
so comfy and runs true to size!
my shorts are old but linked a few inexpensive other options!
I got so many questions about these fans for the girls – they are amazing! I added them into my Amazon Shop under BABY with some of my other favorites.
They are rechargeable and work so, so well!
Collins was really living her best life on Saturday at the pool.
The girls still aren’t actually getting in the pool. I tested their toes at my moms house and they were not into it, so we just keep them hanging out in the shade in a dress or onesie with the fans on them and (knock on wood) they have done great with that.
I hadn’t planned it, but the girls slept so well on Saturday night that now I am bumping them up (loosely) to the next level of Moms on Call (Weeks 8-16). They turned 3 months on Saturday but “gestationally” they are only 6 weeks old so I’m always hesitant with when to start doing longer stretches, etc. But they’ve been sleeping longer on their own for awhile so I am following their lead and waiting longer and longer to wake them up for another feeding.
I’ve had them on the same times for feedings for so long that it was kind of jarring yesterday to move the times around, but they did great and we were out the door bright and early for a walk while it was still cool out.
ALSO. Props to my husband for thinking of cutting a hole in a zippered onesie so that Hadley’s apnea monitor cords can go through that and we can finally put her in zippers instead of snaps. Why didn’t we think of this WEEKS AGO?!
We walked for Coffee and breakfast sandwiches and ate them outside of a place we used to attend boozy brunches that doesn’t even open until noon. Oh how times have changed.
the girls love these. you can put their arms out as they transition out of the swaddle.
I have mapped out a “plan” for some good posts this week, but as you can tell from last weeks radio silence, some days it just doesn’t happen.
Lots of non-baby related things too 🙂 Promise.
OH! And Thursday was Cabaret with the Countess in Atlanta!
I recapped with lots of videos on Instagram but it was AMAZING.
She is just as all-about-Lu-I-am-the-greatest-gift-on-earth as I expected. And her voice was possibly even WORSE in person. She had a sold out Tabernacle of girls and gays and I truly loved every minute.
worth every penny of the $100 for the third row seats and the awkward pumping in ubers moments 🙂
note to self: learn how to put videos into blog posts…. cannot for the life of me figure it out.
But as alwauys, follow along on instagram stories for real time updates. I post pretty much every day on there but it’s much harder to get the laptop open and typing these days!
Hope you all had a great weekend!