With the twins I have not been doing too much cooking (cough: any cooking) and have been relying on a few easy and healthy meals to get me through the week!
(and then at night I stuff myself full of sugar which I never used to do but these babies or the hormones or the pumping or the complete social isolation or who knows what have made me a SUGAR MONSTER. Gottahaveit.)
I have a few go-to favorites that I make for lunch or dinner every day during the week and thought I would share them for any of you other busy ladies (which I know is all of you!)
These are pretty much no cook meals, so I’m not saying I’m a chef or anything, but my skills are like…. AT LEAST as good as the crappy creepy Chef Mila on this season of Below Deck Med.
Like, I can’t roast a chicken but I know how to get by.
So prepare for your mind to be BLOWN not only with the highly technical recipes but with the STUNNING food photography below. Because I’d be a danger in the kitchen these days with the amount of brain cells I have going on up there.
I’m warning you. I’t’s something else.
Also, I use the term “healthy ” relatively. I know any frozen food isn’t the best – but WHATEVER.
And deli meat isn’t either but I’M HUNGRY and craving it and it’s easy. So kill me.
But I try to keep it clean.
// notepad // —> tons of really cute stationary on this site!
:: Lunches / Dinners ::
Salad with Mozzarella Kale Chicken Burgers
I am obsessed with these Mozarella Kale Chicken Burgers from Costco. They are delicious. Each package has 2 to a pack and I griddle them both up so they are nice and crispy and save the other one for the next day.
I usually do spinach as the base and add in hearts of palm, chickpeas, tomatoes, avocados, and goat cheese. I used to use GG crackers as croutons (more on that below) but now I’ll add in some Whisps cheese thins for crunch (more on that below too.)
Salad with Black Bean Burgers
If I’m not doing the chicken, I do the same salad with these Spicy Black Bean Burgers. We are hooked. It’s the best black bean burger ever. It’s not clean, so if you are looking for clean, I love Dr. Praeger’s black bean burgers. I griddle these up too so they are nice and crispy.
For salad dressings I either use Pesto as dressing or mix red wine vinegar with dijon mustard.
With spinach as the base a little dressing goes a long way.
Egg Thins with Turkey or Chicken Salad
These Egg things are a great wrap substitute (as long as the ingredients you’re topping with aren’t too heavy!)
You can find them at Costco or in the Deli Cheese section at Publix.
They’re low calorie and low carb but VERY thin. I tried using them as a taco shell and it just won’t work.
But I love them for chicken salad wraps or turkey wraps.
It’s such an easy 5 minute meal. I’ll do munster or pepperjack cheese with turkey and spicy mustard and roll them up.
Whisps are my new addiction instead of chips when I need the crunch factor.
Whisps Parmesan Cheese Thins
My addiction these days. I am a cheese addict lately.
And to those of you telling me my postpartum skin will clear up if I lay off the dairy, BACK OFF.
The servings for the Whisps are really big and there is a lot of protein and only 1 carb because the only ingredient is parmesan cheese.
(You can buy at Costco or Publix in the Deli Section, but the Publix ones are very broken, Costco are not) also the cheddar are very crumbly and not as substantial. Stick with the Parmesan.
Crockpot 2 Ingredient Chicken
Chicken Breasts + Salsa. Can add in black beans, rotel, corn, seasoning, etc. Or just throw in two ingredients and go! Can also do with just chicken broth or water as a quick way to cook chicken in the crockpot. Shred with two forks and you’re good to go.
Protein Waffles
When I was pregnant this was one of my favorite things to eat (I hated all food while pregnant. it was truly a nightmare and I had to force feed myself every day and make sure I hit 100g of protein a day on top of it.)
I love love love these things. I share the recipe here and I love them sweet or savory (savory was the only way I could eat them while pregnant.)
Quest Frozen Pizza
I found this at Kroger and it is high fiber, low carb, gluten free, and surprisingly delicious. It actually gets crispy. And you can eat the whole pie without any guilt. So I’m here for it.
Real Good Chicken Pizza
My husband started buying these when I was pregnant to help me hit my 100g of protein a day and I took one bite and almost puked. He thought they were cauliflower crust (which they do make cauliflower pizza too) but it’s a chicken base. Chicken was a hard NO thank you then but NOW I love them. Throw it in the oven and get it nice and crispy and it’s so good. (I cook at 425 to get it crispier).
They come in full size or snack size.
Cauliflower Rice Bowls
Trader Joe’s (and everywhere now I think?) sell cauliflower stir fry.
I’ll cook that up with some sesame oil and top it with a Dr. Praegers’s Black Bean Burger and Siracha for an easy meal.
Quinoa Bowls
I basically make the same garbage salad that I do with spinach but over quinoa instead and top it with balsamic vinegar or with pesto. Also great topped with a veggie burger. I shared these forever ago in this post. This was my old go-to for an easy dinner. (Get a rice cooker, it makes having quinoa on hand a breeze and cooks perfectly every time.)
Palmini Pasta
If you like hearts of palm you will love this pasta alternative.
If you soak it in almond milk it will lose the hearts of palm taste. Serve it with Rao’s (the best pasta sauce ever) and meatballs.
We eat this as a super lazy dinner with app’s on the weekend or have as snacks before dinner. I buy these at Costco but Trader Joe’s has a bunch of similar options too.
:: Snacks ::
Egg White Bites and Mikey’s English Muffins
I buy my egg white bites from Costco but you can easily make them in a muffin tin.
I love, love Mikey’s English Muffins. My friend with Celiac introduced me to them and they are low net carb and a great substitute for bread. I use them for avocado toast, with cream cheese and jelly, or as bread for a turkey sandwich.
Hummus and Crackers
especially this Chocolate Hummus from TJ’s.
The nutrition info in terms of calories/fat/etc is pretty much the same as with regular hummus so DIG IN. This stuff is SO GOOD.
Yogurt and Granola
Yogurt and Granola is arguably my favorite snack ever. I prefer the Siggi’s 4% because it tastes so heavenly but they don’t always have the vanilla at my store, and I like vanilla if I’m having this granola.
This granola is clean and low sugar and tastes INSANELY good. Also pretty low carb for a granola.
Cheese and Nut Packs
They sell these at the grocery store but you can buy them in bulk at Costco. It’s the perfect lazy quick snack or something to munch on with a glass on wine while you make dinner.
Energy Bites
These are my lactation energy bites but if you google lactation bites you’ll find a bunch of different recipes that are usually a combo of oats, honey, peanut or almond butter, and cranberries or chocolate chips. (The Lily’s are great clean chocolate chips with low sugar.)
Skinny Pop
I also love some Skinny Pop as a snack – you can get a huge bowl and I am all about quantity in terms of food.
:: Dessert ::
Delava Baklava
I am obsessed with these Dalava Baklava snacks, and I never even ate Baklava before this.
Savi Market in Atlanta sells these and the cashiers know me when I come in and empty the entire shelf. I have 1-2 packs a night. They are SO GOOD. (some batches are over baked, hopefully you don’t get one of those on your first try – they should be chewy and soft and delish). They are clean and actually pretty low sugar and SO DAMN GOOD.
SoDelicious Mousse
This stuff is dairy free – which I don’t even care about – and SO GOOD. The peanut butter swirl is the best if you ask me, but the salted caramel is good too and so is the chocolate chip. But just get the peanut butter swirl . Trust me. I will never eat Halo Top again.
Yasso Pops
I love Yasso Pops and this fudgy brownie flavor is my new favorite.
:: Coffee ::
This is unrelated to meals but just thought I’d share my favorite coffee combo here that I’ve shared on instagram. I never drank coffee until the twins came home, so I am far from a coffee expert, but this is what tastes delicious to me.
Also if you’re intermittent fasting you can have the Nutpods creamer because there is no carb and no sugar and I’m hooked (Heather McMahon talking about this got me to try it and I am obsessed with the Hazelnut flavor). I do the blonde roast with Hazelnut nutpods and Monkfruit in the Raw to sweeten it up.
….. and whenever Kip brings me a coffee from somewhere when I am out I have THE SHAKES it is all SO STRONG and truly makes me feel sick, so I don’t know if the Blonde Roast has less caffeine or what but it really is all I can handle apparently!
Also, something to note regarding GG Crackers.
GG Crackers are a high fiber cracker made most popular through the F Factor Diet (a high fiber diet). I try to eat a lot of fiber and prior to getting pregnant I ate a lot of these crackers as croutons in my salad all crushed up or would make GG Pizza’s out of them with Rao’s sauce, cheese, and salami. Loved em.
Well…. I was crushing them up again for my salad recently when I went down an instagram hole that led to learn that recent news had come out regarding pesticides like ROUND UP possibly being part of these crackers.
I didn’t take the time to dig too hard but read enough to know I would no longer be eating or purcahsing them.
Which is a shame because I really loved them. They taste like cardboard but when you use them as a vessel for something (like pizza) or as croutons in your salad, they really would fill you up.
So, just wanted to share this for anyone else that eats them in case you weren’t aware. I know I used to share them a lot in the past and I won’t be anymore – but chow down if ya feel like it. Lord knows I don’t care.
(of course now I can’t find the IG account that shared everything about it – sorry!)
Let me know you’re favorite healthy snacks or meals in the comments here or on my instagram post!
Always looking for new things to add into the rotation!
And you can see similar posts to this under the Wellness Tab up top!