I hope you’re all having a great week so far!
I wanted to share a few things going on lately including two books I recently finished, a request for our margarita recipe, and a favorite cozy sweatshirt.
We took a road trip on Friday to visit friends that moved to North Carolina for the weekend (outside of Charlotte) and it was such a fun weekend!
They have a little girl that is the same age as Hadley and Collins so it makes everything that much better (and easier! Her little girl is on the same schedule as ours, it requires so much less stuff for us to travel with, and of course its so fun getting them together and playing together!)
We got lots of play time in, some time at the playground, a visit to the Amish Corner Store to stock up on ALL the things including some insanely delicious horseradish pickles that I now need to get in BULK, and a night out in Huntsville for sushi and cocktails on Saturday night.
My friend is quite the hostess and made quite the spread before we went out on Saturday night.
I’ll share the recipe for these salted chocolate shortbread cookies on Friday because they were AMAZING.
We have only done one flight with the girls (Grand Cayman for Christmas) but we have done 4 road trips now (I think?!) so I think I’ll do a post on traveling with babies/twins because I get a fair amount of messages on instagram about it!
Speaking of the babies….. they turn 1 on Sunday and I am beside myself.
I finished Jessica Simpsons book Open Book last week and LOVED IT. LOVED. IT.
I highly recommend downloading it on audible (or I did it through the iTunes store and listened through my books app) because hearing her “read” it really made all the difference for me.
She really shares A LOT….. tons of tea with John Mayer and relationships too which was amazing and I was even choked up and crying on a walk with the girls while listening to parts about her cousin.
Before Open Book I read the book The Mother in Law.
It was good and I LIKED IT, but….. not amazing.
I feel like I just am not loving anything I read lately!!??
What is wrong with me!?!? Is it me?!
A bunch of you asked for my margarita recipe when I posted it on instagram stories
last weekend; I’m sure it’s nothing special, but we like it! So here it is!
I think it’s kind of skinny margarita-ish?!
2 parts tequila
1 part Cointreau
1 part lime juice
(I like 1 part lemon too)
Tiny bit of honey (or agave) to sweeten
Shake with ice.
Top rest off with grapefruit or lime LaCroix!
I must have a lot of mom followers because only a mom could see through the puke-fest that happened on Monday to ask about the sweatshirt I am wearing.
It’s an old funnelneck sweatshirt pullover, but they still make it in several different similar style! I linked the similar styles below. I love it so much; it’s the perfect thing to cozy up in on chilly days and just lounge but also cute enough to wear to workouts errands etc.