I have no extra time in my days to being getting $#*t done…. and yet I am spending time cooking and organizing because I keep seeing others doing it and feeling like I SHOULD be doing it. I DON’T WANT TO.
Can you all stop cooking and cleaning and organizing so that the rest of us can stop feeling the pressure and sit on our asses when we get a spare minute like we all want to?!
I have been trying to do small time batches of organization throughout the house a few times a day.
Spoiler alert : my house still looks like a bomb went off, but whatever.
I’ll do a single drawer or 10 minutes of my never-ending-closet-cleanout or throw things away, etc.
I tossed tons of old bras and underwear, workout clothes I no longer wear, lots of bags for Goodwill and to send to ThredUp (where I will get little more than coffee money for hundreds of dollars worth of clothes …..
but I digress……
When I’m able to make things pretty during organizing, I’m far more likely to do it!
shop the items by clicking below:
Ever since I started using this acrylic jewelry organizer last year I have loved it – I feel like I wear (used to wear…. in the days of yesteryear when we would actually get dressed……) so much more of my jewelry because I could actually see it all!!
I’ve been tackling my closet a couple of days a week (little by little) and as I donate clothes I’m tossing my wire hangers and trying to keep it to these felt hangers only. They keep your clothes from slipping but more importantly save a lot of space in your closet.
My bathroom shelves are possibly the worst of all. I organize them a few times a year and they are desperate for a spring cleaning (I don’t think I’ve done it since I was pregnant?!)
I’d love to get some lazy susans or acrylic little organizers for my skincare products.
And if you’re on the hunt for something VERY pretty this is my favorite.
I’m not much of a makeup junkie, but if you have lots of makeup products this organizer would be amazing.
I really need to tackle my nightstand and these little cord grippies look like just what I need.
How long do you think my workout clothes will look like this?!
Spoiler alert….. they already don’t…. one day later…..
these two spaces are still intact…. for now…..
nice! I feel like I’m woefully behind on organizing closets. I need to go through clothes that don’t fit after having my baby and the thought of getting rid of clothes I once cherished gives me such stress I can’t get myself to start.. until your post. Thanks a lot! I’ll have to look up Thredup. thanks for the tip.
Congrats on your baby!! I am so, so bad at getting rid of clothes. It takes me so long to part with them! (Just a warning – ThredUp does NOT give good money for clothes like they used to, so I recommend it only for things that are in good condition that you would be fine just donating anyway! If you have higher end items, I’d try a different service!
thanks!! That’s good to know!