It’s GERM SEASON…. although…. hasn’t all of 2020 been about fighting germs?! Will we even have a cold/flu season anymore when we are living in a constant state of hand sanitizer and mask wearing?!
I have been a germ freak using wipes on grocery carts and planes and touching buttons with elbows for years person, so I’m all for it. But now that it’s cold and flu season my little chicks are going to be picking things up left and right. And the REAL fun is that they share every cup/paci/random thing they put into their mouths, so they pass the germs back and forth all day long despite trying to keep things separate and the runny noses never seem to end. I don’t have anything to compare it to since the twins are my first, but I swear colds NEVER end because they just go back. and forth. and back again.
SO, I asked all of you on instagram for your best tips for preventing germs and also for getting over colds/runny noses sooner and rounded up all of your responses.
of course always check with your doctor before starting anything – and many meds/holistic things below are based on age!
this is just me rounding up your responses – my disclaimer as always is you do you, I know *nothing* 🙂
We have used the Nose Frida since the baby days and it is AMAZING. At 1.5 it’s hard and they hate it, but it is incredible for runny noses. Was a dream when they were younger.
PS. I just learned they make *electric* snot suckers. So you don’t have to suck it out with your own mouth. I wonder if it works as well?! It sounds amazing…..
I just got a humidifier to keep in their bedroom. This was one of the most highly recommended items from all of you! I’m hoping it will make a big difference.
I also ordered an air purifier to keep in their room. Hadley’s had some health hiccups this year and takes about 5x as long to recover from a cold as Collins, so I figured I might as well try it to help keep everything as clean as possible!
Elderberry Syrup was a very common suggestion. The gummies and lollies are all for ages 2+ but they do make syrup versions for babies and infants. (*there are reports Elderberry may make Covid-19 symptoms worse if you contract Covid. When I googled I was unable to find anything on CDC or another reliable source – just lots of wellness blogs.)
Probiotics are another big suggestion to help boost immunity.
Vapor Rubs on tummy and feet when they are sick.
Diffusing essential oils is a common suggestions and I am not well versed on this so I’ll let you do your own reasearch! I do know that you need to be very careful with any essential oil you may roll on your kids feet that is diluted with a carrier oil and ensure that it is safe for their age. No ingesting of oils, ever! (Thieves oil, Breathe oil)
More of your suggestions :
Brands like : Wellements // Zarabees // Hylands // Matty’s // Mommy’s Bliss
I have several items on hand and have used a bunch of these brands before for the girls.
All of these brands have things for cold/cough/flu
Hyland’s Cold Tabs (the little pellets)
Refrigerated Probiotics (Klare Labs)
Saline Drops
Washing Hands + Lots of Fluids
Eat Well/Fresh Air (editors note: eat well…. so easy with 1.5 year olds….)
Boogy Wipes
Boogy Spray
Child Life Liquid Vitamins
Lolleez Throat Pops
* A Case of Costco Prosecco (someone really responded this – I love you all.)
Soup if they’ll eat it
Iodine Baths to Lower Fevers (the Branch Basics ladies swear by this – post here)
Hot Shower to make a “steam room”
Vitamin D3
Again….. this is just info from an instagram poll with your suggestions…..
I talk about TV and can barely finish a load of laundry so don’t listen to anything I say EVER without doing your own research. (well…. maybe things related to Bravo, but still….)