When I go back and read my post for 2020, I have to laugh (otherwise I’LL CRY.)
I was so desperate and ready to LEAVE THE HOUSE, something I hadn’t done much of since twin pregnancy + bedrest + the first year with the twins. I promised myself that when they turned one in March I would HAVE A LIFE and do things outside of the house.
But ya know, life happens.
The most unexpected things you can’t even plan or dream (nightmare) of happen.
And it was comforting in a way that all of us were in it together.
That I wasn’t feeling like the only one isolated and alone {the way it can sometimes feel in the postpartum months when the world carries on without you, while you sit in pajamas covered in puke at home day after day. Ya know?!}
I wrote and deleted a whole post about the highs and lows of the year. We all lived through it – with our own variations, unfortunately for so many with far worse days/weeks/months than my own – so no need to take a walk down memory lane that is still currently, and probably forever, emblazoned in my mind.
In short, 2020 was the hardest year ( x 2,020) yet. For many reasons.
But I like to keep it LIGHT + NONSENSE over here – and my main thing for this year is to really try to focus on the good despite whatever else is happening. And I’m grateful that there was so, so much good.
I did a highlight on my instagram of some happy moments from 2020.
Seeing the girls get so big this year makes me feel like the year flew by
(but other than them, I feel like it moved at a snails pace.)
Some other high points of the year that were Covid related were that we became close friends with our neighbors on our street who were previously strangers we just waved hello to, having weekly drinks at the ends of our driveways. I stepped up my skincare game and enjoyed never needing to put on makeup or a bra or brush my hair. I was able to run out on an errand during naps because my husband was home and could watch the baby monitor, where usually I wouldn’t leave the house at all when he was traveling for work (I know, I know, but seriously. Public places pre-pandemic and now are limited when it’s 2 versus 1). Our annual Christmas beach trip cancellation led to the first real Christmas we’ve had in over a decade, and one that was so special for the girls. I fell in love with face masks and the confidence boost they can bring to going to the grocery store looking like a hot mess.
I’m telling you….. I am ALL FOR the perks of a face mask.
So….. all in all….. there were many silver linings.
It proved to me that even in the worst of times, there are *always* things to be grateful for.
I am grateful for my healthy family more than ever.
:: 2021 ::
My “goals” for 2021 are really just to have a better year than last year.
Keeping it SIMPLE + EASY.
I’m doing things to try to work on staying in a better mindset – because WOWZA was it a rollercoaster of emotions last year. Ups, downs, amazing days enjoying the little things, hard days consumed by negative thoughts. Again – it gave me comfort to know that I wasn’t alone in feeling like I was ALL OVER THE PLACE. At the end of the day, we made it through, and hopefully this year will be a better one. *HOPEFULLY*.
No intentions of cooking me (GIMME MORE TAKE OUT)
No intentions of taming the chaos of the house with kids crap everywhere in order.
No intentions of making it my BEST YEAR EVER.
My only real intention is to make the best of things; I want to try to be grateful + happy despite what may come my way (or I guess I should say AS grateful and happy as I can.)
Life’s short. And I don’t mean that in a “we could die tomorrow” way, even though it’s true, I just mean it’s that a big lesson from last year is that sometimes things are what they are. So much is out of our control. So I just want to try to find the good, the happy, the positive when I can.
Small things that have helped a lot :
The Daily Stoic
I know I’ve talked about this before, but I started
reading The Daily Stoic this last year (you only read one, short page a day)
and it instantly helps shift your mind to a better place.
Cannot recommend it enough.
Daily Movement
Doing 10 minutes a day of something – anything – really helps me.
Even it’s just stretching on the floor in my pajamas, it makes a difference.
(you can see this post for how I do more actual “movement”, and I’ll do a new one + more wellness posts this month)
I don’t even want to write it……
I’m trying something a little “woo woo”
but will share more once I know if I actually stick with it….
a little meditation + manifestation.
I mean, I need all the help I can get these days. I’ll try anything!
I shared on instagram stories that I started playing a short meditation (from the Peloton app) while I showered or did my skincare routine towards the end of last year and now I’m trying to actually sit and unplug for a bit more.
I had heard about the 2x breath on a podcast and did it one day and it made me feel so much calmer and more relaxed (after a REAL CRAPPER OF A DAY) so that got me wanting to keep that up.
I know, I know….. woo woo stuff.
I swear I’m still bingeing trash TV and scrolling instagram and doing all the regular “awful” things that fill me with LOVE AND LIGHT.
That fill me with IMMENSE MINDLESS JOY.
On that note, MORE TV is always one of my goals every year and I can ASSURE YOU I always achieve that goal.
Probably the only goal I ever achieve, but what can I say….. if you love something, you make it happen…..
This year also broadened my screen time selections which was lovely. I’ll share my new favorites from 2020 in a post this month – but seriously, HALLELUJAH that Netflix and HBO and all the networks gave us some great new things to watch (or old things but new to me!)
oh and one more woo woo thing…… I really can’t with myself right now……
I’m making a vision board…..
Soooooo there’s that.
Cheers to a NEW YEAR.
I’ll take ANYTHING even the tiniest step up from last year as a success.
Set low expectations and you’ll never be disappointed…. right?!