I did a roundup last February of my favorite fitness items
and I’m still doing the same routine with the exception of doing even less than I did before.
(loooong gone are the days of taking the time to make my morning celery juice or a smoothie…..
though I would love if someone else would bring that to my doorstep every morning.)
I’m a workout at home in your pajamas professional at this point
(you can still get the best results in pajamas…. I promise)
so if that interests you, here’s all ya need…..
:: the basics ::
You really need *nothing* to workout at home.
That is the best part. There are so many workouts that you can do with absolutely nothing.
and YouTube is FILLED with endless incredible FREE workouts, too.
You don’t even need a sports bra if you don’t feel like it. It’s glorious.
A few of my favorite things to step it up a notch are :
a mat // 2 or 3 pound hand weights // sliders + bands // ankle weights
those are my go-to’s for workouts.
Sliders, ankle weights, hand weights all step it up a notch
to get the most bang for your limited workout.
If you are someone who likes to have a scale, I keep seeing people post about a fancy + expensive scale all over instagram, but the scale we’ve used for 2 years seems to have all the same features but at a fraction of the price. It’s great for showing that the number on the scale is not the best judge of hard work and progress (it will also show BMI, muscle mass, metabolic age, etc.)
I have a foam roller that I still never use and still tell myself I will use because I know I need to.
I do however use my heated back massager constantly. It is heaven.
:: workouts ::
My workout routine is all at home workouts and has been since April of 2019, when I started with Obè postpartum workouts following being cleared post C-Section with the twins. I loved group fitness prior to the twins, but after the twins I think I made it to two classes the first year of their life, and then they turned one in March 2020 and I was thankful to already have an “at home only” workout routine.
I have a whole blog post about my love of Obè from last February (and I need to write a new one, too!)
and my code that I got after declaring my love of Obè for months still works :
code TAYLOR30 for one week free + $19 first month.
So inexpensive and love it so, so much.
Their 10 minute workouts are a game changer.
:: supplements ::
GoHydrate || if you are drinking LiquidIV or something similar – you do you – but my guess is it’s because you are trying to do something healthy and rehydrate etc. Take a look at the back of the package – it is filled with added sugars (11g of ’em). I would rather eat some candy or drink some wine for the sugar aspect,
and keep my hydration supplement as clean as possible.
You can use my code TAYLOR for 10% off your order.
Magnesium || I have been taking magnesium for years and love it. It helps keeps things regular and it can help you sleep too. Unsure if it helps me sleep, but I do take it at night along with my magnesium.
There are a bunch of different forms of magnesium for different reasons, and I take the Magnesium Citrate.
Melatonin || I also take a melatonin at night before bed. I am the *worst* at falling asleep and I think it’s mostly my own fault because I am a night owl and stay up way too late (it’s like I get my biggest boost of energy of the day after 9 PM) ,
but even if it’s a placebo affect I take it.
Allow me to tell you about things I enjoy that I do not do anymore,
but did love and recommend :
Juicer : love this juicer, very easy to clean.
No time for celery juicing these days but I did a post on Celery Juice and felt great when I was doing it.
It also cured me of ALL pregnancy heartburn,
which was something I never experienced until I was pregnant and it was terrible.
Smoothies || Love a Fab 4 Smoothie. Used to make one every morning to drink on the way to work. The Nutribullet is all you need – cheap and gets the job done.
Foam Rolling || I need to foam roll, and never do. It hurts so good.
:: food ::
I have lots of posts about my favorite healthy-ish easy eats,
check under wellness > food
but I’ve been trying out a ready made meal delivery service from a company called Eat to Evolve
and we have been loving it. No subscription required + super flavorful food.
code TAYLOR20 gets you 20% off your first order.
I still really, really want an air fryer….
but our kitchen storage is limited (feel free to message me your favorites, though :))
As you know, I love our instant pot oh so much.
A rice cooker was the first thing that got us to eat healthier years ago –
I would make us quinoa bowls for dinner and it was the beginning of cooking healthy dinners at home.
Thank you for the info on Eat to Evolve and also for the code- just ordered a box to try it out!