I’m sure a ton of you discovered the instagram account GoCleanCo during quarantine this past year.
if you didn’t, go give her a follow.
I *hate* despise*loathe*will do anything to avoid* cleaning.
But I will say that probably thanks to that account alone I have stepped up my at-home-cleaning game big time. That and the fact that twin toddlers will make your house so disgusting that you have no choice but to clean.
First I got the spin mop.
It is the best thing ever.
I hate having to vacuum before mopping, but otherwise I would mop every single day.
It is SO FAST, the hot water + tide mix does such an amazing job (I also do it with a splash of Branch Basics to keep it nontoxic, but when I’ve been lacking in mopping and feel like I need a real deep scrub I do the Tide).
After falling in love so much with the mop that GoCleanCo recommended
I figured I should bite the bullet and try laundry stripping.
from her instagram below :
She has a whole highlight for this on her instagram under STRIPPING (scroll back a bit in the highlights)
I couldn’t find any washing soda but if you bake baking soda it does the trick, so I baked my baking soda, grabbed my Powdered Tide and Borax, and went to town.
(If you can’t find the Arm & Hammer Washing Soda this is the article for Baking the Baking Soda instead)
I did all of our dark workout clothes first and DAYUM.
Everything was so much fresher, the residual “workout” smells that would never seem to disappear finally went away.
Lugging the clothes from the bath to the washing machine is pretty impossible though. They’re so heavy even after you try to wring them out that I had to have my husband drag it to the washing machine for me.
I was so happy with the workout clothes I did our bedding next and then our kitchen towels, etc.
Nothing turned the water disgusting like the workout clothes, though.
Seriously…. do this.
It’s so gross and so gratifying to see the water.
And none of our clothes were ruined –
no color dyes came out, they just seemed good as new!
(follow her rules though – I imagine that putting any lights with darks would be disastrous)
I’m tackling little 5-10-15 minute projects here and there around the house this month,
but really need to do the laundry stripping again!