talk amongst ya-selves…….
sorry (actually) : the mini-est of mini coffee talks….
:: RHOA ::
Even if you don’t watch Atlanta, just go watch the first 15-20 minutes of the Bachelorette “Stripper-gate” episode with Bolo.
Because I cannnnnnot believe this graced my cable television. I was dying. Dead. Unreal. Howling.
:: RHOD ::
This season is SUCH a snooze, but I will watch any hour of garbage as long as there is the teeniest tidbit of hilarity in there.
This week, the news of D’Andra’s Shaman, which wasn’t shockingin the slightest, delivered on the laughs.
Bless Stephanie for being the saving grace of this show + bless this “Shaman” for his
appearances that led to this hard hitting news.
I was enjoying this season in the beginning because he is one of the best Bachelor’s they’ve ever had in terms of someone women would actually be vying to be with.
Now the season has become so dull I didn’t even watch The Women Tell All.
But again – I don’t judge my trash, I’ve never missed a season.
I’m not a beard fan and he is 10x hotter without it in my opinion so I hope he ditches this soon.
I was FLOORED when Bri was sent packing this week.
Bri better be the next Bachelorette. She is perfection.
first, totally unrealted, I am almost done with Season 1 of Suits and LOVING IT.
BUT there was some RELATIVE and RECENT Meghan Markle
news this week with the interview seen and heard round the world.
I felt terrible for her (and Harry) and could not BELIEVE what I was hearing. I never expected any of it.
The way the words “the firm” and “the institution” kept being said I felt like I was watching an HBO doc about Scientology or something!!! I cannot understand how ON EARTH they think she wouldn’t at some point publicly state that she was reaching out for help (terrible that this is what it came too and my heart breaks for her)
ONE thing I just can’t wrap my head around was what kicked off the interview – why on earth would you give your WHOLE LIFE up to enter into the Royal Family and not even try – not even a teeny tiny bit – to understand a small bit about what you were entering into? I know there is no way for her to ever have understood what it would entail or what it would be like, how could she have, but the way she admittedly said she just kinda went with it and did it BOGGLES MY MIND.
If you missed it, here are some highlights (though I hate to use that word) items from The Sun :
Oh, and we all think it’s Prince Charles is the scumbag that
said the horrible things about their unborn child, right? Or is that just me?!
and I watched Season 1 of The Crown AGES ago but now I want to start back up…….
This show. I cannot wait for it to be back.
I know it’s off the air, but you MUST listen to this leaked recording of Jen Shah losing it on one of the many members of her Shah Squad.
I like my Housewives a bit unhinged, but this woman truly takes it way too far at ALL times.
while googling for the audio I found out it was the person who designer her gown for the reunion + one of her stylists?
this link has a 6 minute version of the recording.
Or should I say, how is HE married to HER!?
I love this trash so much.
Even when it’s boring as heyl. I love it.
Sure it’s better when it’s boring and they are out of the house, but I like it just as much with views of the kitchen thats 97 flights up the stairs and scenes of them all “working from home”.
And I just saw that Hannah is ENGAGED to a comedian?!
I had no idea she had a boyfriend?
:: RHONJ ::
Thank GAWD the men are on this show full time because I have a hard time even
listening to a “word” that comes out of Teresa’s mouth.
……. and womp, womp. That’s all I have.
Someone tell my toddlers to LOCK IT UP.
:: Editors Note ::
As always, ignore my own blatant grammatical errors
whilst I make fun of others poor grammar during Coffee Talk on a weekly basis.
my apologies for lack of weekly Coffee Talk like the good old days.
My little twin loves take after their mother and if the television is on their eyes are LOCKED and IN LOVE and want nothing else which leaves me little time for my beloved TV until late at night.
I’m also too tired to proofread my own nonsense,
so if this reads as though Teresa Giudice wrote it…….sorry not sorry.
Regarding Harry and Meghan- for someone who is so intelligent and well spoken, I thought it was mind-boggling that she stated that she had never googled her husband and had very limited knowledge of the workings of the royal family. Seems like she would have been curious enough to do some research. 🤷🏼♀️
Could NOT agree more!!!!
Harry and Meghan MAN OH MAN. How horrifying. But. BUT. I 100% do not believe she didn’t look into the family. No way. or the “she never reads the papers” line – I’m sure she absolutely limits her exposure. But come on now…and I DO think Prince Charles is the one who said that shit.
Agree Agree Agree!!!