a random round-up of some of the things I use most
this doesn’t include my skin care routine,
which you can read about in this post
I’m sure that I use more than this, but ya know…….
Just grabbed what I saw while attempting to tune out the lovely
sounds of one of the twins refusing to go down for her nap.
Olaplex No. 3 || You can do this hair mask 2-3 times a week but I usually forget and do it once a week. Makes SUCH a difference.
Dermaplane/Face Razors || These little face razors are the best for “shaving” your face every week to get rid of dead skin cells and the peach fuzz. I use Tinkle or Sheishedo razors (only use them once and then toss.). I like both equally as much but the Tinkle can have knock-off’s on Amazon that don’t work as well so lately I have only been buying the Shesiedo razors.
Clarins De Puffing Mask || KJB’s cult following favorite. Obviously save this for when needed.
Nose Hair Trimmer || I MEANNNN just saying. I need it. I know not everyone does. I used to be so good about this and completely fell off the wagon until I snagged a new one and it is the easiest quickest fix ever.
Tory Burch Perfume || my favorite perfume. A bottle lasts me forever since I don’t wear it everyday. Such a perfect light scent.
forgot to include in this picture but also ……
PTR Acne Clearing Gel || This is a godsend for pimples, which was never much of an issue for me until A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. This has saved me this past year.
:: DAILY ::
almost every day is just skincare routine + mascara.
SkinBetter SPF Compact || I stopped wearing my go-to foundation this past year (why?!) except for rare occasions. This is the *perfect* tiny bit of coverage to make your skin look better while doubling up on your SPF (I still wear my sunscreen underneath). I get all of my skincare products + this from Laurel.
Maybelline Sky High Mascara || everyone is right about this. I love it. Gives long thin separated lashes. I know it was out of stock for awhile but I’ve seen it at Target + CVS in stock.
Loreal Lash Primer || have been using this primer for about 2 years after my sister told me about it, makes any mascara work so much better.
NeuLash || I have no lashes without using a lash serum and this one gets the job done perfectly with no irritation (I used Latisse before our wedding and my eyes were SO red and irritated the whole time)
EltaMD Sunscreen || My daily Sunscreen was the UV Clear, but they just came out with a UV Sheer that is also waterproof/sweatproof so when I ran out of my tube I ordered this one to try instead and I like it better. It is thinner than the UV Clear and less shiny.
Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen || I *love* this stuff. if I’m not going to be out/wearing any makeup really I use the EltaMD but nothing beats the Unseen Sunscreen for under makeup as a primer. Gives your skin such a perfect shine-free smooth finish. Weightless and invisible.
Batiste Dry Shampoo || Cheapest + best. I wash my hair as little as possible, especially this past year.
Hair Clip || These are the best hair clips. My sister got them when we were in Chicago for my baby shower from Anthropologie and gave me one and it’s still the only one I like to use.
if you enjoy these kinds of posts,
a bunch of other things I use and love are listed in this post!