I am a planner *nerd*. I love nothing more than picking out a new planner, writing everything down, using different colored markers and stickers and making it look pretty 🙂 I switched to a new planner for the first time this year,
but have several I have used and loved over the years.
After a friend showed me her Plum Paper planner I knew it was the one I wanted to try for this year. It is *completely* customizable, not just in the format but in what each section on the page is titled and everything. You can name the columns and sections anything you want, you can enter birthdays or any important dates to be printed on the Calendar pages, etc. It arrived and I *LOVE* it.
I like to have tons of space so I always like a full page for each day, even if that means I can’t necessarily see the whole week laid out in one place. Daily planners are always bulkier than weekly planners but since I rarely bring mine with me in the car I don’t mind the slightly larger size. I also always need to have the full monthly view at the start of each month and love for their to be extra pages at each month for notes, important items, etc, and this checks every single box!
This is how I designed my days, but if you go to their website you will see that there are tons and tons of options. Also, don’t mock my woo-woo category names…. whatever cheesy mind games I need to play with myself to get sheyite done.
The top has boxes for personal / the blog / priority items. Then I have a section for the daily schedule, wellness I write down my workouts and meditations, $ to track spending, get $#*t done for my to-do list, and at the bottom I write out quotes or messages from the two books I read each morning or from a podcast or book I read or listened to that day.
two (of dozens) of other options for layouts :
In the past I have used and loved Erin Condren, The Day Designer and The Simplified Planner (the last two being very similar in my opinion). Target always has great affordable options of The Simplified and Day Designer planners, too.
Happy Planning ! If you have any planners you love please let me know and I’ll add them to my list for options for next year!
I also linked my favorite markers and pens, post it notes, etc and I nerd out with stickers and all the things. I love to pretend I have it together and am organized when really all I’ve done is doodled and made the pages look pretty and colorful 🙂