Melasma. Ugh. The never ending skin battle.
I’m finishing up my third round (once a year) doing hydroquinone for 3-4 months which always helps my melasma *so* much. I’ve shared how it helps and the results in the past (this lengthy blog post shares more) and wanted to share how this year has been different because I used different products and a slightly different regimen.
And even if you don’t have melasma, there are a couple of holy grail skin products I use year round even when I am not incorporating the hydroquinone!
for those unfamiliar with melasma (lucky you!!) here is what it is :
Melasma is a condition in which brown patches appear on the face.Melasma can be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or from sun exposure. Women are much more likely than men to develop this condition. The brown or gray-brown patches of melasma appear most often on the cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin.
I first got melasma not from pregnancy but from birth control and noticed in when I was engaged leading up to our wedding. I didn’t understand what the shadow on my upper lip that looked like a mustache was until one day my friend told me that her friend had gotten it too and I first learned about melasma. Fun times! It started slowly – the upper lip shadow and then an irregular circle on my forehead – and has changed locations, pigmentation and severity over the years. After having the twins in 2019 it went crazy with my hormones.
Thankfully I found Laurel in 2020 and she was the first person to make a *huge* difference in my skin by educating me about skincare and getting me on an amazing skincare regimen. She used to commute to Atlanta but The Look and Co is now based in Charleston/Mt. Pleasant. I have continued to go to her (and also Carly at her office) for all of my skincare needs. I Facetime with them and they help me figure out what I need, since it occasionally changes. They are skincare ANGELS!
If you have melasma, you know how annoying it can be. My forehead has always been one of my biggest insecurities because of it. It’s hard to ignore a giant brown blob in the center of your face every time you look in the mirror, ya know? 🙂
below : January 2023 / April 2023
I saw amazing results with Hydroquinone – a topical cream that (for me, but everyone may be different) I use for around 4 months once a year during the non-summer months to help reduce my melasma without any procedures like lasers or peels. The last two years I used a Zo routine and it blew me away with how quickly it helped my skin. My skin had never looked better. The downfall for me was that I did have a lot of dryness with it. I didn’t need to wear any skin make up which was incredible, but my under-eye area would be so dry that I couldn’t wear any concealer or anything without it looking flaky and awful which drove me crazy, especially when I had weddings or things where I needed to be wearing makeup. I do think it’s because I was using a *very* strong retinol with it (the Zo Radical Repair), but I didn’t really care because overall the benefits far outweighed the minor inconveniences.
results from previous melasma routine using hydroquinone for 3 months
(this was 2021, my first year using it)
This year after having a video call with them and talking about my hesitations because of the dryness, we decided to use the much gentler but amazing retinol from SkinBetter that I had used in the past and love. I am able to easily and quickly build up to using this retinol every single night with zero irritation. I also used the Obagi Hydroquinone Routine this year instead of the Zo.
SO – the differences this year. I haven’t had *as* great of results this year as I had in the past, but again, that was my choice because I didn’t want to have the irritation and constant dry skin that I had experienced in the past. I still have had great results and am so happy I decided to do it again this year. I’m also glad I did the less intense retinol because I’m able to wear makeup and my skin isn’t dry at all. I may go back to the higher strength for next year – for my skin, there were pros and cons for each.
I am not completely finished yet, but will begin weaning off of it soon.
One of these years I definitely DO want to do some kind of laser treatment, but it just scares me to do something so intense!!
If you’ve done any in office treatments for melasma and have had great results please let me know!
** I am not the expert in this so ask the experts, but for hydroquinone, it is not something you can consistently use and it needs to be used under the supervision of a professional. You can’t stay on it all year round or for as long as you want. For me, its usually 4 months – and I have read no more than 6 – and when I am finished I slowly wean off of it so that I don’t shock my skin. That’s my dumbed down layman’s terms version of it!
:: my routine year round ::
Year round I use a cleanser, vitamin C and retinol. I use an exfoliating pad or peel pad a few times a week and also use an exfoliating polish 2-3 times a week.
When I am doing Hydroquinone I stick completely to the regimen given to me by Carly and Laurel, but in the off months I will change up my Vitamin C or cleanser.
My favorite cleansers are the Zo Cleanser and then for a budget friendly alternative I use Cerave Hydrating Cleanser. I also incorporate the Bioderma Miscellar Water to remove makeup/double cleanse before washing my face at night.
The SkinBetter Vitamin C is incredible. Love it.
I also love BeautyStat Vitamin C and Skinceuticals CE Ferulic.
For retinol, I love the SkinBetter Intensive. I’ll dabble in other retinols as well and alternate with the SkinBetter, but my skin tolerates the SkinBetter the best.
For exfoliating 2-3 times a week I will *never* stray from the Zo Polish. You barely have to use any, the container lasts *FOREVER* and it seriously makes your skin baby smooth.
:: hydroquinone routine ::
When I am doing the Hydroquinone I follow the *exact* routine they give me.
AM : Cleanse / peel pads / vitamin c / hydroquinone / moisturize and SPF
PM : double cleanse / hydroquinone / hydroquinone mixed with retinol / moisturize
*and exfoliate 2-3 times a week.
I also do the BOOST LED MASK about 5x a week – love love love it! it helps to : Plump, brighten, lift, and even your complexion with this LED face mask that reduces fine lines, heals inflammation, and hydrates your skin.
When I slack with it I notice it right away.
Laurel, Carly and everyone at The Look & Co are so knowledgable and always ready to help answer any and all questions ! * and make sure you as them because everyones skin is different and can be helped in different ways!