The only gift guide you need this holiday season!
Tis the Season! And the Sales have arrived earlier than ever!
…. but remember, it’s just stuff.
What we really need is health and hugs
and the giant 3L bottles of COSTCO PROSECCO!
If you follow me on instagram, you likely have seen me rave about my Instant Pot. (sorry, not sorry.)
It sat in the box for an entire year before I finally opened it, and I kick myself for it because it has made making meals SO easy. (And I’m as lazy as it gets when it comes to meal time. My husband has certainly not raving about my homemade meals at dinner time these days.)
I have had lots of requests to share the girls Halloween costume from last year.
(It was an easy costume choice because pajamas and robes are a way of life in this household.)
I made the wigs but trust me when I say, if I can do it, anyone can.
This isn’t even a how-to, because it’s THAT EASY.
Just wrap yarn on a roller and glue it to a hat. That’s about it!