I wanted to share a few of my skincare favorites with you today!
I can’t wait to do something more to my skin in the fall when I’m done pumping (and hopefully my hormones have leveled out) but until then these are some products that I love!
And they start at only $3!
:: The Best Drugstore Purchases for Long Lashes ::
:: The Best Make Up To Not Look as Exhausted as You Really Are in under 5 Minutes ::
It’s IT Cosmetics Friends & Family sale, meaning everything is 20% off!
I am *not* a make-up person and will never cosnider myself to be an expert.
I like to use whatever is cheap and quick to apply but that actually gets the job DONE.
aka keeps me from looking exhausted.
I have been in love with IT Cosmetics CC Cream since last year, but I just recently started using this Bye Bye Pores pressed finishing powder and am IN LOVE. Obsessed.
:: Skincare Favorite : Intense Hydrating Face Mask ::
I am not a beauty blogger and far from a skincare guru.
But when something is amazing and works great and does what it is supposed to do and leaves you glowy and refreshed, I wish preach it from the rooftops!
:: Gift Guide : Beauty Favorites ::
I’m back with some gifts for the beauty lover, starting at only $9, and all available before Christmas.
Because much like these gift guides and everything in my life, I procrastinate like nobody’s business and leave everything to the last possible minute!
:: New Vitamin C Skincare Addition + Tuesday Randoms ::
Happy Tuesday!
I posted about this new Drunk Elephant product on instagram that I added to my skincare line up and I got so many questions and comments!